Fica Vivo
The problem
If you want to see the results of the Fica Vivo program, run by the Minas Gerais government, set up for the kids at risk, then you need to wait a while. Wait for the time it takes for a kid to grow up and become an adult in a world which might treat them as expendable, as a tool. Wait for these kids. They are growing up in an environment where instability, domestic violence, and drug use have made the right decisions about who and where to hang out almost impossible.
The rate of homicides is highest amongst kids from as young as 12, to 24. Death rates go up during teenage years because risk-taking behaviour naturally increases. Think of teenagers experimenting with drugs, driving too fast as soon as they pass their tests, retreating to their rooms because they cant trust themselves around people . The teenage brain undergoes changes during this stage of development that actually make it harder for teenagers to judge whether a particular course of action is risky.
The exposure to drugs, alcoholism, and violence of a favela, plus the natural tendency of kids to make bad choices explains high rate of deaths amongst young Brazilians. This is a gut-wrenching, sickening waste, and the government along with educators and capoeiristas is trying to do something. That something is the Fica Vivo project.
若いブラジル人の間の死亡率の高さは、スラム街の薬物アルコールと暴力の中に身を置き、さらに子供たちの自然な傾向が悪い判断をしてしまうためだ。実に悲しいことだ。そこで、政府は教育者とカポエリスタとともに、何かをしようとしている。それこそが、Fica VIvoプロジェクトだ。
The program
The project involves many different cultural and sporting activities, from graffitti, to crafts, to soccor, and capoeira. While I was in Brazil I got to play capoeira and do workshops with many of the kids from this social project. I spoke with Professor Guinho, from Bantus Capoeira, about the work he does with them. Bolinha was kind enough to translate into Portuguese.
Personal investment
I started off by asking him about his own experience with capoeira and the Bantus group. He told me that he had been playing capoeira, specifically the Angolan style for six years. He said that he would not join any other group, that he really found the philosophy of the Bantus group very appealing and meaningful to him. This struck me as very important.
When I was at university I was involved in a couple of week-long residential projects for kids at risk who had been referred from social services. Together with university students and adults who had physical or learning disabilities, we formed teams and did various activities such as put on a play or build a Chinese dragon. The experience was very powerful and worked well. However, I sometimes thought it would be more effective if the activity involved something that the volunteers were more personally invested in. Not just to ‘do something good for others’, valuable as this is, but to share an activity, a pursuit that is already very meaningful. It turns out that this investment makes all the difference.
Some social programs are run on the premise ‘get them off the streets’. In fact, capoeira is taken to the street, to the public space.
The community center where the Bantus 20th anniversary festival took place this August lacked the facilities the Bantus Capoeira Japan group enjoys. There is no changing room, the toilets are very basic, there are no showers. The lights failed a couple of times. There is no glass in the windows and no door. But this building is in a place where most of them live. Holding a festival in-situ is a big deal because it demonstrates to everyone that the community is about much more than the bad things shown in the media.
The main impression I got when I went into the community center to play capoeira with the Bantus kids was politeness, friendliness, and curiosity about their visitors from Japan. And of course, the incredible axe they brought to the roda.
Capoeira is an art in which the players engage with another person, show their skill, have fun, sing, move, play instruments. There are many levels to it and during the festival I saw kids play berimbau, lead the singing, interact with wit and energy in drama workshops, work hard at the drills of the sequences.
Professor Guinho told me that the kids typically learn a variety of skills - and I could see the confidence that kids had as they approached their game.
Even when I walked in on the first night, and went round the room giving the Bantus handshake to everyone, I felt very comfortable, but nervous at the same time. It was a mixture of coming home and going to a party where I didn't know anyone. They bombarded Bolinha with questions `Does everyone in Japan do karate on the street?`, `Do you have the courage to get a tongue piercing?` `Do you have kids?` `Do you do any other sports apart from capoeira?`, `Do you know X TV personality?`....They were super- charged and welcoming, supportive when I played with them in pair practice, ready to scramble round, to have a quick game to warm up, to play piggy back. These are kids who are exposed to risks that I cant begin to imagine, but in the right environment they flourish.
Professor Guinho said that he always stresses two things, participation and structure. The participation is the thing that works the magic - the capoeira form itself is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed on many different levels by the teenagers. The changes in a teenagers attitude as they spend more time in the capoeira group are, according to Guinho, very subtle. When I looked at how they paid attention to him when he spoke in his quiet voice, without much smiling or animation, I was impressed at the depth of understanding they had. I think that a lot of this comes from the structure of capoeira, and the fact that it offers teenagers a chance to really build their awareness of others. This, plus the social skills within the mutually supportive atmosphere of his classes and the roda. He described his work as building ‘a cocoon for caterpillars to slowly and safely grow into a butterfly’.
I wanted to know how the group`s work had been perceived in the community. During the festival I heard that one member, Vesuvious, had been killed by drug traffickers. Guinho told me that the group held a roda for him to both mourn and show support to his family. He said that they wanted to honour him by having a good time, but that for two hours everyone in the roda was crying. This event brought the work of the group to the attention of the community.
Doing this kind of work is not a game. There are risks involved in making a statement about what you are going to accept from your surroundings. Drug traffickers or other people involved in crime generally do better when the majority of law-abiding people are somewhere between frightened and indifferent to what is going on.
Anyone who does capoeira finds that they toughen up. We learn to control our bodies and our minds to look, to react, and anticipate the other person and use that sense of danger to play a good game. If I lived in a place where people wanted me to be afraid, I think that capoeira would help me to see through them and make me more confident about making better choices.
The Fica Vivo project is not about turning out great capoeiristas, according to Guinho.’Before I am a capoeirista, I am a man, and I need to come home safely to my family every day`. He teaches the value of citizenship, through the values of capoeira. And this is done not through preachy seminars, not through sitting at a desk, not through any kind of role playing. The values of citizenship are taught through the roda, through jinga, through the conversation between two players and through the bigger conversation of the musicians and singing.
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The gift
I wanted to know if there was anything that the group needed to help them grow in the future.
Professor Guinho did not answer this question directly, and instead focussed on what the group already has. There are, he said, five things a teenager needs that dont cost a thing. They are as follows: A smile, a handshake, a hug, structure, and friendship.
I was still thinking about money when I commented to Bolinha who was translating ‘And these are all free, right?!’. Professor Guinho looked at us, smiled, and said one thing in Portuguese. Bolinha smiled at both of us and paused before translating back: ‘They’re priceless’.
Minholca's wonderful shots of the FICA VIVO kids with Bantus Capoeira in Brazil!
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